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Herbal Medicine

Customized Chinese Herbal Medicine

Family Herbal Medicine Formulas since 1894

Since 1894, Dr. Ahn's family has passed down their herbal formula from generation to generation, starting with Dr. Gong-yeol Ahn.


We customize and modify formulas based on Dr. Ahn's formula modification principle to fit your needs. This system is designed to diagnose and treat seemingly unrelated symptoms with a single formula.

These formulas generally consist of 5 to 20 herbs, each serving a specific purpose. Some are chief herbs, which target the main symptoms of the ailment, while others are guide herbs that direct the formula to the right parts of the body. Additionally, assistant herbs are used to enhance the effectiveness of the chief herbs.

Herbal Medicine with Acupuncture

Acupuncture and herbal medicine are two perfectly complementary practices. Both share the same goal: to restore balance and enhance one's health. When Chinese herbal medicine is incorporated into an acupuncture treatment, the benefits can extend for the entire week.


This can help accelerate recovery and alleviate symptoms faster than using acupuncture alone. These two practices work in conjunction with each other, amplifying the positive effects of both to improve your symptoms.


Herbal medicine with Food

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), herbal medicine and proper Food have similar healing characteristics. Depending on your symptoms and body type, our acupuncturists may recommend both to help you recover.

When used together, herbal medicine and proper Food can work synergistically to heal you, providing faster relief and better long-term results than using either alone. Please don't hesitate to ask if you want to learn more about our Diet and Wellness planning.

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