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Systemic lupus case

Updated: Mar 6

A 55-year-old female patient initially presented two years ago with debilitating muscle and joint pain, coupled with heat and swelling, leading to impaired mobility. Concomitant symptoms included a red chin and a diagnosis of systemic lupus. During exacerbations, she encountered challenges in ambulation, accompanied by a low-grade fever and chills. Despite a treatment regimen comprising prednisone, methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine, and a variety of supplements, her symptoms persisted without adequate control.

Upon analyzing her initial laboratory results, notable values included DNA(Ds) antibody 29, ANA 1:600, BUN 24, and CRP 15. In pursuit of an alternative therapeutic approach, the patient initiated herbal treatment in February 2023, employing the formula "<chai hu gui zhi gan jiang tang>" to modulate the immune system. However, joint pain endured during this period, particularly triggered by emotional fluctuations or physical exertion.

Subsequently, a tailored herbal formula, with "<si teng yi xian tang>" and "<xi jiao di huang tang>", was introduced to specifically address joint pain and thirst, emphasizing nourishing fluids and clearing blood heat. The patient reported notable improvements in sleep quality, reduced pain, and heightened energy levels. After two weeks, she no longer experienced thirst and exhibited only occasional mild malar rash on the left chin. Joint pain abated, and she adhered to the herbal regimen.

Follow-up laboratory results in August 2023 demonstrated positive changes, with CRP reduced to 9, DNA(DS) Antibody at 7, and ANA at 1:80. Consequently, the patient's prednisone dosage was down to 1mg/day, with a remarkable absence of flare-ups, joint pain, swelling, insomnia, or anxiety. She kept taking herbal formulas once a day for maintenance.

A subsequent assessment in October 2023 revealed further improvement, with a CRP of 5. In response to this positive trajectory, the rheumatologist advised discontinuing prednisone and reducing the methotrexate dosage.

Dr.Ahn's Acupuncture and herb


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