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Herb’s Nature and Direction in the body

Updated: Dec 9, 2023

In the realm of Oriental medicine, food, and herbs undergo categorization rooted in their taste profiles and their compatibility with the directional flow of vital substances within the affected regions of a disease. This classification hinges on the intricate interplay between nature and direction.





Hot, Warm

When introduced into the body, it makes the body feel hotter or warmer.

Vital substances flow towards the surface of the body.

Cold, Cool

When introduced into the body, it makes the body feel Cooler or colder.

Vital substances gather inside the body.

For example, a person suffering from excessive body heat is someone in whom the outward movement is too strong. In this case, the inward movement is insufficient, causing a depletion of substances stored deep within the body. In such cases, taking ingredients like river crab, burdock, bitter melon, or purslane greens can strengthen the deep inward flow of energy, restoring balance. These ingredients are all considered to have a cool or cold nature.

Being cool or cold means that when an object enters the body, it enhances the inward flow direction in the area where it affects the body. This results in a narrowing of the spacing between vital substances and a decrease in heat energy, leading to a sensation of coldness in the body.

Sometimes, the body becomes weak, and the feet feel heavy and lack strength. In such cases, consuming burdock with chicken or pork is advisable. Since the symptoms of inadequate inward movement primarily manifest in the lower part of the body, burdock is used in conjunction with meat. Those who experience digestive issues when consuming cold foods regularly can opt for chicken, while others who don't have such issues can use pork.

Conversely, a person who suffers from excessive coldness in the body is someone in whom outward movement is too weak. In such cases, the movement of particles that generate heat energy cannot reach the skin's end, resulting in a constant feeling of coldness. Consuming ingredients like shrimp, chives, garlic, or lamb can stimulate outward movement towards the skin, helping to restore balance. These ingredients are all considered to have a warm or hot nature.

Being warm or hot means that when an object enters the body, it enhances the outward flow direction. This increases heat energy, widening the spacing between vital substances and causing the body to feel warm.

In cases of sudden rashes causing discomfort, it's beneficial to stir-fry chives and consume them (use around 10-20g per serving). Rashes are skin conditions characterized by temporary accumulation of plasma constituents within tissues due to increased permeability of blood vessels in the skin or mucous membranes. It often results in redness and swelling of the skin and severe itching. In most cases, the cause of rashes cannot be identified.

The warm nature of chives promotes outward movement to the skin and efficiently restores blood circulation in capillaries when there are issues with blood stagnation or abnormal reactions. This makes chives applicable for managing rashes.

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